Hi! I'm a French photographer and creative consultant offering digital services based in Paris. I was raised in London and studied in Bologna, Italy. I'm a lover of the great outdoors with an obsessive eye for detail and a drive for quality. Through the years, my diverse approach has found me working in the fields of art galleries, portraiture, fashion, travel and design. Feel free to contact me in English, French or Italian. I am available for projects worldwide.

Pierre Marie StudioMarcia WearGalerie Antonine CatzéflisBeaux Arts MagazineLe Chalet des ÎlesThe New York TimesGalerie Scène OuverteAltemps LimitedFred de CasablancaGalerie du PassageL'Entretien, Éditions du sous-solTate Modern

PhotographyEditorialPortraitReportageCommercialVideoFilmMusic CurationSocial MediaCopywriting

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© 2025